HP Ajna DreamsAwake
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From my Womb to my Heart: Emotional Healing for Women
A Union of Womb and Heart

The Heart Chakra is often referred to as the High Heart and the Womb Chakra is known as the Low Heart. The High Heart relies on the Low Heart to provide the ideas and creative energy which can then be radiated out from the Heart. If a Woman's Low Heart is closed, she cannot truly open her High Heart. When the Womb and Heart are healthy and balanced, a woman is able to feel and express fully all of her emotions. She is able to give as well as receive love. She can foster intimacy with others while also being comfortable with solitude. The Womb sows the seeds and the Heart is the site of manifestation. The space in between is the place of transformation, where the energy shifts take place. Both Womb and Heart must dance together in order for emotional healing to take place.

We will now unite the Womb and Heart, their combined energies will create a safe and loving space within you. This sacred space is a container which you can use to bring emotional issues to light and release them in love. Your capacity for self-love will grow exponentially as you consciously intend emotional release. You may discover, with practice, that you may become more aware of emotional triggers as they come up in the moment. When this occurs, simply hold the uncomfortable emotion in your Womb-Heart space, acknowledge it, feel it fully, integrate it and then release it with a loving and compassionate heart.

Exploring emotional wounds, especially those which have been suppressed for a long time, may lead to profound discomfort. For years, many of us have been carrying past emotional traumas, old hurts or recurring issues that have been ignored. We all heal in layers and once you have acknowledged and released the top layer, deeper emotional wounds may surface. As each successive layer is released, you will be able to approach the next layer from a deeper level of your being. This healthy, layered approach will prevent you from becoming overwhelmed. Tackling too much too soon may lead to a fear reaction which can bury the issue deeper, making it even harder to access.

If, at any time during the meditation, you feel too overwhelmed to continue, simply step back and breathe. Focus only on a small and manageable part of the problem.

From my Womb to my Heart Meditation

Place one hand on your Womb and the other hand over your Heart.

Visualize pure white light streaming down from the Divine Mother and filling your Womb space. Move the light from your Womb up into your Heart space.

Visualize pure white light streaming up from Mother Earth and filling your Heart space. Move the light from your Heart down into your Womb space.

Continue to move light from Womb to Heart and from Heart to Womb, with the swirling energies meeting in the space between them.

Rotate your hands so that the palms are facing each other, creating a container for emotional healing.
Cradle the healing energy between your hands and continue breathing light into your Womb-Heart space. Remain in this position for as long as you need to, until you feel grounded and centered. When you are ready, place within your healing container the emotional issue you intend to work through.

Feel the emotion fully, stay connected to it by asking yourself the following questions: Where does this emotion come from, what memories are attached to it, who is involved? Is it based on a limiting belief? What do I need to bring to consciousness? How can I integrate this emotion? Pay attention to the thoughts, memories, images and sensations that come up in response to each question. Notice without analyzing or judging.

When you are ready, bring your awareness back to the room, take some deep cleansing breaths, stretch, give yourself a hug, drink water. This meditation may lead to an intensive emotional release, give yourself some time to recover before writing about the experience.

Northrup, Christiane. Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing. Bantam Books, 2006

Northrup, Christiane. The Wisdom of Menopause: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing During the Change. Bantam Books, 2001

Andrews, Synthia. The Path of Emotions: To Achieve your Greatest Potential. New Page Books, 2013.
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